Worship Times
Sunday 9:00am In Person Service
(this service is also live streamed from our YouTube Page)
Peace Lutheran Oshkosh YouTube Page
We want you to know that you are welcome at Peace as you are, as God has created you to be.
Our desire is to help you find a place at the table to know that you belong and that you are loved.
Our desire is to help you find a place at the table to know that you belong and that you are loved.
2024 Peace Lutheran Church Annual Report
Below is a link to the 2024 Annual Report
What's happening at Peace.
Online giving is easy and safe. Click on the contribute button below to access the giving portals.
We're glad you're here.
Whether you've been attending church for years, or you've never been to church a single time in your life - Our goal is to create a comfortable atmosphere for you to connect (or re-connect) with a loving God! We are a church filled with imperfect people who support each other as we deal with the curveballs that life has to give us. At Peace, you do not have to believe to belong, we exist to share God's love on believers and nonbelievers alike.
PEACE CARESPeace Lutheran Church cares about its church family. We offer home communion visits, pastoral visits, meals that heal, a prayer shawl, to be added to the prayer list. If you have any of these needs, please reach out to the church office by calling 920.231.4730 or filling in the information below.